Master Dashboard | Yeat App
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Master Dashboard

Manage your entire business operations, including orders & their status, payments, customer info, from a centralised & user-friendly interface

The Yeat App's Master Dashboard feature is a comprehensive, centralized, and user-friendly interface designed to help manage the entire business operations of a chef. This feature allows chefs to easily track and manage orders and their status, payments, and customer info. The Master Dashboard provides an overview of all orders in real time, including the order's status, payment info, and customer information. Additionally, it offers a streamlined way to manage order processing and payments, enabling chefs to quickly process new orders and payments. With the Yeat App's Master Dashboard, chefs have an intuitive and efficient way to manage their business operations.

  • Order updates on WhatsApp for business owners

  • Add menu categories for better presentation of dishes

  • Issue discount pricing

  • Coupon code generator

  • Android merchant app (beta)

  • Unlimited orders per month

  • Manual order creation

  • Publish / Unpublish option

  • Easy-to-use order management dashboard

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  • Instagram
  • Facebook

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(Zengrub Private Limited)

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